When surviving in your own body becomes the greatest challenge every day.

 Living with a chronic disease that doesn’t show on your physique is something many of us have to put up with.Many of the metabolic and autoimmune disorders do not show up in your body for others to consider you with a little empathy and attention.A physically handicapped person or a person whose disease shows up in his/ her body parts like a diabetic ulcer or a varicose ulcer or an amputated limb solicits attention and care from those around you.But what about a person afflicted with diseases like Addison’s?Thyroid abnormalities,Systemic lupus erythematosis,Multiple Sclerosis,or even advanced diabetes or psychiatric disturbances like depression or bipolar disorder? 

Only a person living with the traumas and challenges of these type of diseases on a daily basis can understand the impact of what I am trying to convey.

Victims of these disorders do not have static symptoms or signs which are noticeable by the naked eye.But the untold sufferings these patients have to tolerate every living minute is a narrative no one understands.Mostly these victims don’t like sympathy or the stamp of a patient and hence puts up a strong face in front of society. Even when they need care every single living moment,they may try to take care of their family and those around.The saddest catastrophe is,their acts are taken for granted by all around.Blessed are the few who have understanding partners and family but majority of such patients I have encountered have teared up in front of me during case taking. Highly accomplished professionals,extremely talented individuals in specific areas where their hidden disease do not allow them to be consistent in their chosen fields.Family and friends tease them,curse them,shower them with unsolicited advice as if they are doing it deliberately,as if they are acting lazy in life..The most hurtful moments in the life of a chronically ill patient who appears healthy and fit externally.

When she breaks down emotionally,when she starts off a venture and cannot complete it or pursue it,she is ridiculed in front of everyone by her closest relatives more than anyone else.

Just a random remark and a discussion of a few minutes to them  but a life time of trauma for the victim. 

If you happen to know anyone suffering from any chronic disease ,be it your family,colleague,friend or neighbor and you see him/ her in vulnerable situations like bursting out for insignificant things or falls unconscious in front of you but revives fast,maybe due to a dip in her sugar or BP levels,understand that she is suffering more than what words can describe before and after the short transient episodes.

Please show a little more understanding and empathy.She needs to be cared and validated for even the little wins she accomplishes on a daily basis. 

Next time your tongue starts to embark on a spree of advise when a patient like this ,please check your words.When a patient like this announces a new venture she is about to start just to keep going in life even when she knows that her disease may not allow her to complete it,please be a little understanding. Check your tongue before telling her...Hey be consistent atleast in this venture,don’t leave it midway..Just because she is a victim she may not answer you back,but realize the pain you inflict on a person dealing with her emotional and physical challenges on a daily basis. 

Your kind words of appreciation and a little care will mean the world to him/her


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