Khel ke Saathi


When your heart is full,words fail goes the  age old saying.I find myself living the adage,sitting with the key board at my fingertips and holding a pack of cashew nuts and a bottle of the choicest of honeys,staring at them with tear filled eyes and at the two snaps I made my assistant click of me and my childhood buddy Tresa Poulose when she visited me at my apartment 2 days back after a gap of around 40 years clutching a copy of my book The Kintsugi Moms and with eyes that were brimming with unshed tears. Receiving the packet of cashews and Honey...I was reminded of the story of Kuchela visiting Krishna with a pack of puffed rice.It was the priceless gift from a childhood buddy...cannot be estimated in terms of money.. The unconditional love behind the gift is nothing that can be measured with any tool under the sun...How I wish I had the prowess to grand my dear friend Tresa's unsaid wishes...But alas,the mortal me ...I am powerless to redeem her from her miseries with the flick of a thought like Krishna...However,can I not bask in the gratification and love this buddy of mine showered on me, with this totally unexpected visit after 40 years?Well here is the fairy tale like story she narrated sitting in my living room making even my wheel chair ridden mom  cry .

Tresa and me have known each other for only two years in my 5 th grade as Boarding school buddies at Ursuline senior secondary school at Kannur,Kerala.I left the boarding school shortly after that and naturally life happened..But one fine day in 2019,an alumni meet is arranged at Ursuline and a WhatsApp group is  created and I get a call from Tresa with a voice choking with emotion.She has been searching for me since years to thank me and my father Dr.K.P.Mammootty who happened to be in the interview board of the then Bank recruitment team by the Reserve bank of India.She says that seeing her school leaving certificate from Ursuline and all the other ones pointing to her skills in theatre,mimicry etc.(which she says that I was also a part of and don't remember fully) which were totally unrelated to banking,my father simply asked whether she knew me his daughter and then some personal questions. She genuinely needed the job as that was the circumstances in life she was going through at that time.But coming out of the interview room she was convinced that they wouldn't even consider her profile because Dr.K.P.Mammootty had not asked a single question related to banking.But days later when the appointment letter came,she knew that she was not selected for the  subject proficiency but that great man who happens to be eternal hero, had understood her calibre and genuinity.She sent many letters to me in the address I had scribbled

 in the little autograph book while leaving the boarding it seems(which I haven't the remotest memory again) but  all those letters returned undelivered.And lo and behold thanks to Social media and the WhatsApp alumni group she could reach me out..I saluted my father who had always been a true  humanitarian and the best of administrators in his field but more than that I salute this truly humble friend who still holds the gratitude after so many years..But apart from this incredible story,what moved me more than anything is when she said,that she has been diagnosed with secondary cancer this month and is going for the next round of chemotherapy and surgery,just when she thought she was out of it in the last ten years when she had to remove one breast..And my book The Kintsugi Moms has given a lease of hope and she wishes to try out holistic healing together with the other therapies..When she pulled out the copy from her bag with the book mark at the 6 th chapter saying that she has been devouring it all through the train journey to my place and could relate to each and every protagonist in it,I was left bereft of words.She said "Haseena though I am not a single mother as the protagonists in your book,I indeed am a Kintsugi mom".And there are millions in this world who can relate to each and every incident you have narrated in your book..Indeed it is a referral guide I need to read many times to truly imbibe.

Isn't this again serendipity at its peak? My father a channel to let us meet once again? Isn't this the wonderful working of the Universe to get pre ordained soul mates to connect at some point in time and space.

As I said earlier,alas I am no Krishna but I sincerely hope that the healing tools the Universe so lovingly bestowed upon me helps my dearest  buddy in some way along her journey to wellness from the most dreaded disease of the millennium. I PROMISE TO LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED TO BE OF ANY SERVICE TO MY DEAR BUDDY.

Khel ke saathi aur Rail ke saathi kabhi nahi tikthe...said someone(meaning your childhood  playmates and  friends you make on train journeys never last) but some khel ke saathi do last...don't they???


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