Tryst with destiny-A near death experience
A NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE We were seeing at least 200 patients in our rural clinic those days. Naturally, by evening, everyone was completely drained of their energies. So we physicians decided to freak out in the evening at a nearby chicken outlet with its famous fancy chicken fry and chappathis.We were all famished and scampered to get a piece of the delicious dish and I succeeded in procuring one.The fun and frolic of the evening had just started when suddenly,I felt a sharp pain like lightning in my throat a piece of bone had fot stuck somewhere inside my throat. I tried to catch people’s attention above all that noise in that dingy restaurant. In what seemed like a lifetime, someone suddenly took notice of me. Amongst the shocked faces, the first one to jump to action was my junior physician. She forced me to drink a glass of water. The waiter panicked and gave me a banana which I gulped despite the agonising pain. My eyes welled up and my bladder burst. I had wet myself ...